Advancing biodiversity outcomes: Unveiling The Global Biodiversity Standard Manual for assessment and best practices Webinar

On July 22nd 2024, 291 participants from 56 countries joined a webinar hosted by The Global Biodiversity Standard (TGBS) partners, in collaboration with the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) and Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI). This event coincides with the release of our highly anticipated manual, “The Global Biodiversity Standard: Manual for Assessment and Best […]

The Global Biodiversity Standard Webinar

In August 2023, BGCI and SER hosted the latest in the BGCI Webinar series: The Global Biodiversity Standard. In this BGCI and SER webinar (hosted by SER), we introduce the Global Biodiversity Standard and the criteria for certification. An outline of the methodology is presented, covering (1) the use of SER’s 5-Star System to measure […]