Watch it again: Better Biodiversity Outcomes – Insights from Piloting The Global Biodiversity Standard in Kenya

On our BGCI webinar we explored the results of a pilot test of The Global Biodiversity Standard (TGBS) in Kenya, led by the Centre for Ecosystem Restoration-Kenya. This pilot was conducted on an Ecosia-supported site with RODI Kenya, an organisation funded through a partnership with the GLS Foundation.

The webinar showcased key findings from the assessment and provide insights from both the funder and implementers on how these results are being integrated to improve biodiversity conservation and restoration strategies. We hope you gained practical examples of how The Global Biodiversity Standard is transforming on-the-ground biodiversity outcomes.

Watch it again now! 


Andrew Gichira – Research Manager, Centre for Ecosystem Restoration-Kenya
Antonia Burchard-Levine – Network and Impact Officer, Ecosia
David Nyaga – Programs Manager and Deputy Director, RODI-Kenya
David Bartholomew – Project Manager for The Global Biodiversity Standard, BGCI

Why is biodiversity important?

One way to help the planet in the fight against climate change is through enhancing biodiversity

What is the Standard?

How we are aiming to make a difference through this initiative